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Trump Suggests 98% of His Supporters Would Fail Cognitive Decline Test

Trump: There’s only about 2% of this room can do it
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Donald Trump told a room full of supporters that only 2% of them could pass a test meant to detect cognitive decline, declaring that the test asking participants to name pictures of animals was ‘not easy.’

Trump delivered the comments at a rally in Nevada, claiming the test was tough, and noted that it required memorizing six words. He then cited five words, telling his supporters, ‘There’s only about 2% of this room that can do it.’

Trump: The first couple of questions are easy, like they have a lion, giraffe, a whale, and a shark. They'll say, which one is the lion? Okay? That's all the press covered, the first question. They didn't cover the last question. Multiply 4733, multiplied times seven. Divide, without paper and pencil, divided by four. Add up another 37.5. I remember that. What's your number? How many people in this room could do it? Not too many. Or they give you six names in a row. I took a lot of heat on this. They give you six names in a row at the beginning. 'Sir, I'm gonna give you six names.' Good. They look at them. A chair, a hat, a badge, a necklace, and a vote. Those things. 'We’re going to give you six things.' I said, 'Good, what's going on?' Can you rename them? So, I rename them. Then they go back, and if you can do it in order, that's even better. I do them in order. Perfect. Then they come back to you 30 minutes later at the end, last question. They say, 'What were those six things?' There aren’t too many people, and I get... they laughed. Everyone said, 'Oh, that's so easy.' There’s only about 2% of this room that can do it, but I did it. I did it very easily. But I got mocked. They said, ‘oh, that’s so easy.’ It's not easy.